After returning home to Bangalore on August 1, 2011 post a year and a half stint in Bombay, life has given me a perspective to look at and mull over. You can call me older and mature if you like, but I prefer the term 'wiser' better :) My amchi Mumbai was an experience for me; I loved every bit of it and would do it again if the opportunity came by.
Bangalore is too good to be true in comparison; life is so perfect it’s almost a holiday even if you’re working. The convenience, the unbelievable good weather, the ease and comfort of this city is somehow very hard to believe. Most people live their entire lives the hard way, and they do it with a smile. It’s humbling and makes you realise how much you take for granted. Folks, lets just say I value everything much more, one of the take-away's that Bombay taught me.
So now I am back at home. After a week I realise that Mother Nature’s calling and what I mean is my very own mother's frequent calling took a bit of time to get used to, since, well it was a long time! The constant conversations and having people around not to mention friends calling me out all the time was quite overwhelming. No doubt life in Bombay could get lonely, but I am more of the sort who likes the space and flexibility to do as one pleases.
One thing I miss a lot is the sound of the Arabian Sea which used to be quite close to home and also a good place to just meditate and soak in. I think I might have mentioned this in my previous blog but the sound of the ocean is truly the best natural sound. Everything else just melts away when you are near it. The other things like running a house well I definitely do not miss :) Can you blame me? The last week in Bombay was a bit of a disaster with the fridge deciding to shut down and food going bad. I come home to Bangalore to a fridge which is stocked with everything imaginable, yes I might just be putting on a wee bit of weight!
I love seeing greenery around me, the sight of tree's and green leaves outside my window is wonderful! In fact I am planning a trip to one of the wildlife sanctuaries in the state; put my eyes and camera to some use. At the moment the koyal bird and squirrels outside my bedroom window give me a little too much than I asked, although the occasional sweet voiced myna does come by. Its time to travel into the wild and I can't wait.
So here I am, still in the process of getting used to a constant 24 degrees Celsius environment, bountiful trees + noisy birds, lots of food, close friends and family. Did I mention hot water? Yes hot water baths, which were not required in Bombay. The other things which I need (underlined) to get used to is a pathetic night deadline (11 pm, like seriously they may as well not have a nightlife in Bangalore), less freedom of movement (at home mind you) and most of all not having my cat with me. Quite the comfort he was.
Ah well, like they say - Life goes on.